Pooper Scoopers of Carnation

One of the main concerns of residents in Carnation has been when the horses poop in town. To help address this we are running a program where if Horse Poop is seen in the city, people can post the picture and location to a our Pooper Scoopers of Carnation Facebook group and then members wanting fertilizer for their gardens can go pick it up.

To help celebrate these pooper scoopers, we will be giving people who pick up their “deposit” posted to the group a free “Pooper Scooper” Tshirt.

Coming Soon

Horses Eat Free at Carnation Cafe

In collaboration with Carnation Cafe, we wanted to help celebrate the horse community in town. In looking at the Cafe’s land, there was not a great place for a hitching post for having multiple horses tied up in view of the resturant eatting areas.

So to get started, we helped create a place where horse riders could ride in to town and get a free snack for their horses. This is with the idea that in the future, if horse ridership in town increased, other parts of the property could be converted to horse parking areas.

Contact Us

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!